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We invite you to sign up as a member so you can benefit from our flexible, user-friendly, and career-boosting courses and skills. Our courses are thoughtfully designed to give you the chance to pursue your career goals in the convenience of your home or place of employment in today’s competitive and quickly changing job market.

Course Registration

Membership and Course Registration

To support us with putting these courses together and supporting students needs with free courses, willing Sponsors may donate - Thank you.

Please make all fee payments or donations payable to:

Bank Name: Tide Plc.
Account No: 20832389
Sort Code: 04-06-05
Beneficiary Name: McBit Academy

“I am Thanya, an engineering student at University of Greenwich,  I had the chance to meet and work with Patrick J. since November thanks to the SPARK mentoring scheme. He has been a great mentor in this period and helped me with my career development and life skills development…”

Thanya K. Don

“…I owe it to Patrick to set me on a career path and get me where I am today. Without Patrick’s influence, who knows where I might have been today…”

Zahid Islam