Network Engineer Apprenticeship Level 4

Network Engineer Apprenticeship - Level 4
The apprenticeship program will equip individuals with the necessary expertise to create, set up, manage, and maintain communication networks within or between organisations...

Course Description

The apprenticeship program will equip individuals with the necessary expertise to create, set up, manage, and maintain communication networks within or between organisations. To ensure optimal performance and availability for users such as employees, clients, customers, and suppliers, network engineers must maintain communication networks at a high level of operation.

They will possess knowledge of network configuration, cloud, network administration and monitoring tools, and be able to provide technical recommendations and guidance.

Additionally, the Diploma is also available as a standalone program for individuals who wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of network engineering skills, approaches and solutions.

Course Specifications

Learners are expected to exhibit comprehension and mastery of Network Engineering and its fundamental architecture, principles, and techniques.

As technology advances, particularly with the emergence of 5G and Cloud, there is an increasing demand for individuals who can manage, construct, and maintain both virtual and physical networks. The overarching goal of a Network Engineer is to install and upkeep computer networks, while also providing technical assistance to users as needed.

These professionals play a critical role in delivering the objectives of various organisations by ensuring that their systems are functioning at optimal levels and quickly resolving any issues that arise. To do this effectively, a Network Engineer must possess a strong ability to interpret technical information and comprehend organisational requirements and expectations, in order to provide compliant solutions to network and infrastructure challenges.

As part of their job responsibilities, Network Engineers address both hardware and software problems, playing a crucial role in resolving network failures and communicating problems related to network integrity or performance quickly, to ensure service continuity and minimise downtime. They assist customers, both technical and non-technical, in installing computer networks, maintaining them, and providing technical support as necessary.

Network Engineers may work directly with customers, or within internal teams, and interact with various stakeholders, including management, staff, clients, customers, and suppliers. They may work independently or collaboratively, using a range of technologies to communicate face-to-face or remotely. These professionals are also aware of their organisation’s escalation routes and their role within their team.

While most of the work of a Network Engineer is office-based, they may need to work across different sites, depending on the size of the organisation and the network. Consultants in this field may spend a significant amount of time at clients’ offices and on large installations, which may require them to spend time away from their home or usual work base.

  • What is the course format and duration?
    Prospective candidates can pursue this qualification by enrolling on this accredited training course. The estimated total time required to complete the qualification is 600 hours or up to 30 months (24 months + 6 months EPA).
  • What are the days and times of the course?
    Evenings only – 5:30 pm – 8:30pm, or
    Distance Learning only – times to be agreed on enrolment
  • Open Curriculum
    The qualification is applicable to two types of learners: those who are registered for a Level 4 Network Engineer apprenticeship program and those who wish to acquire a comprehensive understanding of network engineering principles, skills and solution up to Level 4 standards.
  • What qualifications will I get?
    – Level 4 Apprenticeship Certificate as Network Engineer or
    – Diploma in Network Engineering
  • Which Units will I be learning?
    The programme is modular and consists of a selection and mixture of units referred to as Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs).
    The syllabus includes the identification of a percentage and K level for each top-level area. The K level indicates the maximum level of knowledge that may be tested for that area.

There are 14 Mandatory Core Duties and a list of Knowledge (K), Skills (S) and Behaviours (B) criteria that must be evidenced for this qualifications, thus:

Network Engineer – Level 4 Apprenticeship


KSBS Duty  



Duty 1 Install, configure, and test appropriate network components or devices securely to well-defined specifications whether physical or virtual  
K2 Duty 2 Acquire and analyse network performance data to monitor network activity

K2 K4 K9 K10

K11 K12 K13

K14 K15 K16

K17 K18 K19

K20 S1 S2 S4 S18

B1 B2 B6

Duty 3 Optimise and maintain the performance of network systems or services in line with well-defined specification whether physical or virtual  

K1 K3 K4 K6

K14 K15

K17 K19

S3 S5

B1 B2 B6

Duty 4 Investigate and problem solve to address technical performance issues in networks to return the network to successful operation and escalate as necessary

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8

K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14

K15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 K21

S6 S10 S11 S12 S20

B1 B2 B3 B4 B6 B8

Duty 5 Undertake upgrades to a network including physical or virtual systems

K1 K14 K15 K21

S9 S13

B2 B3 B5

Duty 6 Interpret written requirements and technical specifications in relation to delivery of network systems and services  

K1 K14 K15 K21

S9 S13

B2 B3 B5

Duty 7 Maintain accurate logical records in line within organisational policy when carrying out network tasks

K5 K6


B1 B2 B4 B5 B6

Duty 8 Use operational data to manage weekly work schedule in an efficient and cost-effective way

K1 K4 K5 K6 K7

K16 K19 K21

S8 S19

B2 B4 B8

Duty 9 Consider the impact and risks when implementing network changes in line with work activities and escalating as required by organisational policies

K5 K6 K16

S7 S16

B4 B5 B8

Duty 10 Communicate technical network requirements effectively and professionally with a range of stakeholders ensuring stakeholder relationships are maintained

Duty 11 Practice continuous self-learning to keep up to date with technological developments to enhance relevant skills and take responsibility for own professional development (PDP)


Duty 12 Incorporate considerations of the requirements of the wider digital context in which they operate to ensure that network engineering activities are carried out effectively

  Duty 13 Ensure all network engineering activity complies with organisational policies, technical standards, Health and Safety legislation, data security requirements, professional ethics, privacy and confidentiality
  Duty 14 Deliver and manage a high-quality service under pressure  


K1: the causes and consequences of network and IT infrastructure failures


K2: the architecture of typical IT systems, including hardware, OS, server, virtualisation, voice, cloud and applications


K3: the techniques for systems performance and optimisation


K4: diagnostic techniques and tools to interrogate and gather information regarding systems performance


K5: organisational procedures to deal with recording information effectively and in line with protocols


K6: Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and their application to delivering network engineering activities in line with contractual obligations and customer service  
K7: their role in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery  
K8: the purposes and uses of ports and protocols  
K9: devices, applications, protocols and services at their appropriate OSI and, or, TCP or IP layers  
K10: the concepts and characteristics of routing and switching  
K11: the characteristics of network topologies, types and technologies  
K12: wireless technologies and configurations  
K13: cloud concepts and their purposes  
K14: functions of network services  
K15: the different types of network maintenance  
K16: how current legislation relates to or impacts occupation  
K17: troubleshooting methodologies for network and IT infrastructure  
K18: how to integrate a server into a network  

K19: the types of security threats to networks and IT infrastructure assets

K20: how to use tools to automate network tasks  
K21: approaches to change management  
S1: apply the appropriate tools and techniques when securely operating and testing networks
S2: install and configure the elements required to maintain and manage a secure network  
S3: implement techniques to monitor and record systems performance in line with defined specifications  
S4: maintain security and performance of the system against known and standard threats  
S5: apply the appropriate tools and techniques to identify systems performance issues  
S6: apply the appropriate tools and techniques to gather information to troubleshoot issues and isolate, repair or escalate faults  
S7: communicate outcomes of tasks and record in line with organisational procedures and SLAs including adherence to customer service standards  
S8: upgrade, apply and test components to systems configurations ensuring that the system meets the organisation’s requirements and minimises downtime. This should include backup processes  
S9: record task details whether face-to-face, remote or in writing in line with ogranisational requirements  
S10: interpret information received from a manager, customer or technical specialist and accurately implement the defined requirements  
S11: monitor, identify and implement required maintenance procedures  
S12: implement techniques to optimise systems performance in line with defined specifications  
S13: organise and prioritise clients or stakeholders’ requests in line with SLAs and organisation processes  
S14: explain their job role within the business context to stakeholders to enable a clear understanding on both sides of what their remit is and convey technical constraints in appropriate language considering accessibility and diversity implications  
S15: operate securely and apply the appropriate process, policies and legislation within their business responsibilities  
S16: communicate with a range of stakeholders taking into consideration the organisations cultural awareness and technical ability  
S17: apply the appropriate level of responsibility when planning and prioritising work tasks  

S18: apply the relevant numerical skills (Binary, dotted decimal notation) required to meet the defined specifications

S19: ensure compliance of network engineering outputs with change management processes  
S20: select the appropriate tools and comply with organisation policies and processes when upgrading systems  
B1: work independently and demonstrate initiative being resourceful when faced with a problem and taking responsibility for solving problems within their own remit
B2: work securely within the business  
B3: work within the goals, vision and values of the organisation  
B4: take a wider view of the strategic objectives of the tasks or projects they are working on including the implications for accessibility by users and diversity  
B5: works to meet or exceed customers’ requirements and expectations  
B6: Identifies issues quickly, investigates and solves complex problems and applies appropriate solutions. Ensures the true root cause of any problem is found and a solution is identified which prevents recurrence  
B7: Committed to continued professional development in order to ensure growth in professional skill and knowledge  
B8: Work effectively under pressure showing resilience  

Title: Understanding Software Engineering:
A Guide for ICT Apprenticeships
Navigating Levels 3 and 4 IT Solutions, Software Development,
and Network Engineering Apprenticeship

Author: Patrick J., Ph.D.

For apprenticeship learners, the selection criteria will be determined by the employer but will likely require 5 GCSEs, including English, mathematics, and a science or technology subject, along with relevant qualifications or experience, or an IT skills-based aptitude test. Prior to the endpoint assessment, apprentices must have achieved Level 2 English and Maths if not already attained.

For other learners, it is recommended that they have completed 5 GCSEs, including English, mathematics, and a science or technology subject, along with relevant qualifications or experience, or an IT skills-based aptitude test.

Assessment events for this standard are:

  • Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio
  • Project report with questioning

Upon successful completion of the course, candidates are awarded an Apprenticeship Certificate or Diploma in Network Engineering and may progress by direct-entry to the Higher Diploma course. Apprentices (and other candidates as the case may be) maybe absorbed by their employer and/or exit to other employment and do well vocationally.

Professional recognition:
This standard aligns with the following professional recognition:

  • BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT for Register of IT Technicians (RITTech) level 4

All students are required to pay the following fees:

  • The full apprenticeship programme fee is: £17,000 for up to 30 months
  • Other independent candidates via Online/remote Learning fee is: £499 per module
  • Distance Learning fee: £699
  • FREE

    For further enquiries on any of the courses, please make contact on:

    Tel: +44(0)7414 253 997; +234(0)706 252 4962

“I am Thanya, an engineering student at University of Greenwich,  I had the chance to meet and work with Patrick Justus since November thanks to the SPARK mentoring scheme. He has been a great mentor in this period and helped me with my career development and life skills development.”

Thanya K. Don

“I owe it to Patrick to set me on a career path and get me where I am today. Without Patrick’s influence, who knows where I might have been today.”

Zahid Islam